
Showing posts from August, 2017
     During my first class of "Foundations of Digital Media", I got an imposing first impression of not only my professor, but the course itself. I am extremely thrilled to learn the material that will be covered and to explore the software that is very intriguing to me. I want to hopefully pursue a career in the field of media so I want to take this class very seriously in hopes it will prepare me for life outside of college. Based on what was gone over so far, the projects and assignments didn't seem too difficult to handle, but I feel that if I try my best and put a great amount of effort into my work, I will get a lot out of it.       I was scared when I initially started this class because I was told I needed a sketchbook. Something about myself is that I am not the best at drawing, in fact, I'm horrible at it. However, as the class went on I realized that I don't have to be an expert at drawing because thankfully stick figures qualify. This made me less n